Marriage, civil partnership and de facto partnership with an Irish national
- Applications for visas and permission to reside in Ireland on the basis of marriage or civil partnership with an Irish citizen
- Applications for visas and permission to reside in Ireland on the basis of a de facto partnership with an Irish citizen
- An immigration Stamp 4 which permits a person to live and work in Ireland may be granted to both opposite and same sex partners who have been together in a relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership, have been living together for at least two years and have a mutual commitment to a shared life together to the exclusion of all others.
- We can advise and assist in complicated cases where the Non EEA national is not lawfully resident in Ireland but seeks to remain living in Ireland with their Irish spouse or partner.
- Applications for revocation of a Deportation Order on the basis of marriage/civil partnership to an Irish national
- Successful applicants are normally granted a Stamp 4 permission to reside in Ireland for a period of threes which permits him/her to reside and work in Ireland without the requirement of a Employment Permit. Visa required citizens can be issued with a multiple re-entry visa to allow them to travel freely to and from Ireland.
- A person can apply for Irish citizenship by naturalisation on the basis of marriage or civil partnership with an Irish citizen where the couple have been living together in Ireland for 3 out of the previous 5 years including 1 year of continuous residence in Ireland immediately before the application date.
- Applications in relation to the retention of immigration permission for a non EEA national in circumstances where the spouse, civil partner or de facto partner dies or leaves Ireland, divorce or legal separation or domestic violence