General Employment Permit Ireland Work Visa

General Employment Permit Information Guide

  • The General Employment Permit is a good option as it facilitates a work permit application for a wide range of different job categories.
  • Sometimes it is described as a general work permit or a general work visa.
  • All job categories are eligible unless excluded under the Ineligible List of Occupations for Employment Permits. This means you can apply for a General Employment Permit if the job is not listed on the ineligible jobs list. This list is reviewed and updated from time to time in line with the labour market needs of the Irish economy. We can advise if the job that you have been offered is not in an excluded job category. The Ineligible Jobs List is available here
  • The main attraction of the General Employment Permit for prospective candidates is that it permits a work permit application for a broader range of job categories than the other types of employment permits, such as the Critical Skills Employment Permit for example.
  • The prospective employee must demonstrate that they have relevant qualifications, skills or experience that are required for the employment.
  • Salary eligibility: Minimum annual remuneration is generally €30,000. There are exceptions where the minimum annual remuneration are €27,000 and €27,500:
  1. €27,000 in respect of a non-EEA student – who has graduated in the last 12 months, from an Irish third level institution, and has been offered a graduate position from the Critical Skills Occupations List (the minimum annual remuneration must be €30,000 at renewal stage)
  2. €27,000 in respect of a non-EEA student – who has graduated in the last 12 months, from an overseas third level institution, and has been offered a graduate position as an ICT professional from the Critical Skills Occupations List (the minimum annual remuneration must be €30,000 at renewal stage)
  • €27,000 in respect of an employment which requires a person fluent in the official language of a state which is not a Member State of the EEA, where the employment is supported by an enterprise development agency and the employment is in (a) a customer service and sales role with relevant product knowledge, (b) a specialist online digital marketing and sales role, or (c) a specialist language support and technical sales support role
  1. €27,500 in respect of an employment as a boner (meat)
  • A Labour Market Needs Test is required in most cases. It means that the employer must advertise the vacancy prior to submitting the application:
  1. with the Jobs Ireland Website for at least 4 weeks
  2. in a national newspaper for at least 3 days
  • in either a local newspaper or jobs website (separate to the Jobs Ireland website) for 3 days
  • The advertisement must include: a description of the employment, the name of the employer, the minimum annual remuneration, the location/s of employment, and the hours of work.
  • We can advise on the advertisements and compliance with the Labour Market Needs Test. Failing to meet the requirements of the Labour Market Needs Test results in the General Employment Permit application being refused. This is a common refusal reason in practice as due to a lack of experience with the employment permits system proper care is often not taken in drafting the advertisements.
  • However, the Labour Market Needs Test is not required in the following circumstances: (a) where the job is an occupation included on the Critical Skills Occupations List, (b) where the job offer is in respect of an eligible employment with a minimum annual remuneration of €64,000, but please note that employment permits cannot be issued in respect of employments, irrespective of remuneration, on the Ineligible List of Occupations for Employment Permits, (c) where a recommendation from Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland has been made in relation to the job offer (this applies to client companies of Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland only), (d) where the job offer is for a Carer of a person with exceptional medical needs and the non-EEA national has been providing care to the person before the application was made and that person has developed a high level of dependence on that non-EEA national, (e) in the case of a General Employment Permit application, where the job is offered to a non-EEA national who held a General Employment Permit or a Work Permit Employment Permit and who, on a date after 1st October 2014, was made redundant and the redundancy occurred within the previous 6 months (This waiver only applies where the Department has been notified of the redundancy within four weeks of the date of dismissal).
  • The 50:50 rule must be observed in most cases. It means that on the date of application that at least 50% of the employees must be EEA nationals. The 50:50 rule is waived in the following circumstances: (a) Start-up companies – the employer must be registered with Revenue as an employer within last two years, and the employer must have a letter of support from either Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland (this applies to client companies of Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland only). Renewals of employment permits will require the employer to have met 50:50 rule. If not, then a one year employment permit may be provided in circumstances where the employer can demonstrate significant progress towards achieving 50% (this reduces the prospect of a company having to let people go to meet 50:50 target at early stage of company’s business). Such renewals must also have a letter of support from Enterprise Ireland or the IDA. The 50:50 rule will have to be achieved at the end of that one year renewal period, (b) Employment permits in force at time of commencement of the 2014 Act, (c) Where on the day on which the application is made the employer has no employees; the foreign national will be the sole employee; and the Minister is satisfied that having regard to the employment in respect of which the application is made, the foreign national concerned will be the sole employee of the employer. The exception to the 50:50 Rule will also apply at renewal provided the permit holder remains a sole employee. An employment permit for a carer in a private home is a good example of this exception.
  • General Employment Permit holders can not apply immediately for family reunification. In general a waiting period of one year applies before the spouse of a General Employment Permit holder can apply for immigration permission on Stamp 3 conditions.
  • The General Employment Permit application can be made online.
  • A General Employment Permit can be issued for an initial period of two years and can then be renewed for up to a further three years after which it is envisaged that a holder would apply for long-term residency on stamp 4 conditions from the Department of Justice and Equality.
  • An applicant can apply for an employment permit if they are residing in Ireland and have a valid immigration permission at the time of application, or alternatively a person can apply for an employment permit if they have a suitable job offer and they are residing outside Ireland. We can advise and assist if a person has problems with their immigration permission and needs to apply for a temporary extension of their immigration permission to apply for an employment permit.

Please contact our firm if you require professional advice – our firm can offer a full service to act as your legal representative and prepare and manage your general employment permit application from start to finish – send an email to [email protected] or call/message 0868561017 to make a consultation appointment or obtain further information.

Employment Permits Lawyer in Dublin

Work Permits in Ireland

Irish Immigration Lawyer in Dublin

Immigration Lawyer in Dublin city centre

Immigration Lawyer in Dublin City Centre

We are an Irish immigration law solicitors firm in Dublin city centre providing expert advice in Irish immigration law and work permits in Ireland.

We can act as your legal representative and prepare and manage your immigration case from start to finish.

We like to build a strong relationship based on trust and respect with our clients.

We can provide advice and a full service in relation to the following types of immigration cases:

Work Permits in Ireland

Employment Permit applications

Employment Permit appeals and reviews

Work visas

Stamp 4 applications

Applications for a temporary extension of immigration permission


International Protection


Contact us by email or phone to make a consultation appointment.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 086 856 1017

Advogado de imigração em Dublin

Critical Skills Employment Permit Information Guide

  • The Critical Skills Employment Permit is aimed at highly skilled persons in areas of employment where there is a shortage of supply of persons with the necessary qualifications and experience
  • Eligibility: there are two possible ways to apply for a critical skills employment permit:

Option 1: Occupations with a minimum annual remuneration of €30,000 for specific occupations listed in the Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List. This list is reviewed and updated from time to time in line with the prevailing labour market needs of the Irish economy. In this category a relevant degree qualification or higher is required in order to be eligible to apply.

Option 2: All occupations with a minimum annual remuneration of over €60,000, other than those listed on the Ineligible Categories of Employment for Employment Permits List or which are contrary to the public interest. Under this category a non-EEA national who does not have a degree qualification or higher must demonstrate that they have the necessary level of experience.

  • In relation to both options 1 and 2 above the “50/50 rule” applies: an employment permit will not be granted to companies unless 50% or more of the employees in the company are EEA nationals at the time of application. However, this restriction may be waived in respect of start-up companies within 2 years of their establishment (i.e. registered as an employer with Revenue) and which are supported by the enterprise development agencies, Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland  (this applies to client companies of Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland only).
  • The Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List covers a wide range of areas including IT Tech jobs, engineering, scientists, health professionals and medical practitioners (doctors/nurses/midwives), teaching and educational professionals, business research and administrative professionals (includes certain accountancy and tax consultancy roles),certain sales, marketing and related associate professionals with an international/Non-EEA dimension or Non-EEA language requirement
  • The main advantages of Critical Skills Work Permits over other types of work permits include:
  1. The application process is more straightforward and costs less – for example there is no requirement to place advertisements on websites and in newspapers
  2. Critical Skills Work Permit holders can apply immediately for family reunification which permits a dependent, a partner or a spouse to reside in Ireland and work in Ireland pursuant to a Dependant/Partner/Spouse Employment Permit which is issued free of charge
  3. Prior to the expiry of the critical skills employment permit the holder can apply for a support letter to apply for a Stamp 4 permission to remain in Ireland which permits that person to continue to reside and work in Ireland without having to a apply for a work permit
  • Duration: Critical Skills Work Permits are issued for 2 years

Note that the non-EEA national is ordinarily expected to stay with the initial employer for a minimum period of 12 months. A new employment permit (for a different employer) will not normally be considered if less than 12 months has elapsed since the permit holder first commenced employment in the State pursuant to an employment permit. The rationale for this requirement put forward by the Department of Jobs, Business, Enterprise and Innovation is to strike a reasonable balance between, on the one hand, the employer’s expectations that the non-EEA national remain in his or her employment for a reasonable period of time given the potential costs involved in recruiting that foreign national and, on the other hand, not unduly binding the non-EEA national to the employer.  Where the Non-EEA national is made redundant or circumstances (unforeseen at time of application) arise that fundamentally change the employment relationship the Department may permit a Critical Skills Employment holder to change employer

  • An applicant can apply for an employment permit if they are residing in Ireland and have a valid immigration permission at the time of application, or alternatively a person can apply for an employment permit if they have a suitable job offer and they are residing outside Ireland.

Please contact our firm if you require professional advice – our firm can act as your agent and prepare and manage your employment permit application from start to finish – send an email to [email protected] or call/message 0868561017 to make a consultation appointment or obtain further information in relation to our services in Irish Immigration Law and Work Permits in Ireland


Employment Permits Lawyer in Dublin

Work Permits in Ireland

Irish Immigration Law Solicitor

Solicitud de Permiso de Residencia por Relación de Hecho en Irlanda

Para alguna consulta, contáctanos

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 086 856 1017

La Ley de Inmigración en Irlanda proporciona información relativas a las Solicitudes de Permiso de Residencia presentadas por ciudadano no perteneciente a la Unión Europea (UE), sobre la base de una relación de hecho con un ciudadano Irlandés y/o un residente legal con visa estampa 1, 4or 5.

  • Un ciudadano no perteneciente a la Unión Europea puede solicitar la Residencia basada en una Relación de Hecho sí, ha vivido y vive con una ciudadano Irlandés o un residente legal (Visa 1,4 or 5) por el período de 24 meses y además, tienen una relación sería de larga duración similar a un matrimonio.
  • En consideración a la solicitud antes mencionada, las partes no deberán presentar ningún tipo de condena penal o algún procedimiento penal pendiente en su contra, por otro lado, el solicitante deberá presentar un certificado de antecedentes penales por cada país en los cuales haya residido en los últimos 5 años, contados de la fecha de Solicitud del Permiso de Residencia por Relación de Hecho. En conclusión, se espera que las partes actúen en conformidad con la ley Irlandesa
  • El solicitante (Ciudadano no perteneciente a la Unión Europea) y su patrocinador/pareja (Ciudadano Irlandés y/o un residente legal con visa estampa 1,4 or 5) deben tener la capacidad económica para mantenerse así mismos sin la ayuda de fondos públicos.
  • La actividad del ciudadano Irlandés o del residente Irlandés que actúe como patrocinador es importante, por lo tanto, deberá indicar si es: a) Empleado, b) Empleado por cuenta propia, c) Estudiante, d) Desempleado involuntariamente, e) Con recursos suficientes para evitar que el solicitante No perteneciente a la Unión Europea pueda convertirse en una carga financiera indebida para el Estado. Las aseveraciones sobre la actividad actual del Patrocinador necesitarán estar respaldadas por los documentos indicados en el formulario de solicitud.
  • Pueden aplicar, tanto parejas del mismo sexo como las parejas del sexo opuesto.
  • Si el solicitante no perteneciente a la Unión Europea tiene hijos a su cargo que tengan la intención de residir en Irlanda, será necesario presentar la documentación pertinenete.
  • Para realizar esta  solicitud de Permiso de Residencia por Relación de Hecho el ciudadano No perteneciente a la Unión Europea debe residir legalmente en Irlanda.
  • Si no puede proporcionar alguna información o documentación que se solicita en el formulario de solicitud es necesario indicar las razones de impedimento.
  • Es de estricto cumplimiento que las Declaraciones Estatutarias sean válidamente completadas y luego firmadas ante un abogado, comisionado de juramentos o un comisionado de paz. Una persona que intencionalmente hace una declaración falsa en una Declaración Estatutaria es culpable de un delito penal. Hay tres diferentes declaraciones estatutarias que deben completarse: (1)Declaración Estatutaria del Solicitante Nacional no EU (2) Declaración Estatutaria del Patrocinador Irlandés o Residente Nacional Irlandés (3) Declaración Estatutaria de un Testigo que atestigüe que conoce al solicitante y al patrocinador y además, declare que cree que la relación es genuina y continua.
  • La documentación que deben presentar como soporte a la aplicación, incluye:

1)   Prueba de Identidad (Copia de pasaportes),

2) Evidencia de la relación entre el solicitante y el patrocinador – evidencia de cohabitación, evidencia de interdependencia financiera (por ejemplo, cuenta conjunta / compras etc), estados financieros de los últimos 6 meses, evidencia de contacto (por ejemplo, correos electrónicos / facebook), del tiempo que pasan juntos (por ejemplo fotografías / pasajes aéreos), entre otros.

3)  Evidencia de la actividad actual del Patrocinador residente Nacional Irlandés o Irlandés.

  • Durante el período en que se procesa la solicitud, la responsabilidad recae en el solicitante no perteneciente a la UE para garantizar que su permiso para permanecer en el Estado sea válido en todo momento. La Unidad de Participación De Facto puede considerar que las solicitudes para proporcionar permiso temporal (estampa 3) permanezcan durante el proceso de solicitud.
  • En algunos casos se puede solicitar hacer una entrevista tanto al Solicitante como a el patrocinador.
  • Tenga en cuenta que diferentes normas y procedimientos aplican cuando la solicitud de Relación de Hecho de un ciudadano no perteneciente a la UE es con un ciudadano perteneciente a la UE – en ese caso aplican los derechos del tratado de la UE, y el solicitante deberá hacer la aplicación con una formulario de solicitud diferente.
  • La información detallada en relación con la política de inmigración de Irlanda en este ámbito, se encuentran establecida en el “Policy Document on Non-EEA Family Reunification del INIS”, disponible en el sitio web de INIS


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Sean O Toghda es un abogado de inmigración en Dublin – Irlanda. Es Irlandes y habla Español.

Para solicitar una cita o realizar una consulta puedes escribirnos a nuestra dirección de correo electrónico [email protected]  en Inglés/ Español,  o a través del número 0868561017 (llamada, sms o Whatsapp)


Derecho Penal en Irlanda

Para alguna consulta, contáctanos

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 086 856 1017

Nuestro equipo especialista en Derecho Penal ofrece la mejor asistencia jurídica en relación a todo los delitos y ofensas establecidos en la ley, es decir, desde los mas leves, como antecedentes penales por motivo de empleo, inmigración entre otros como, delitos mas serios donde la persona esta en riesgo de obtener una sentencia con privación de su libertad.

En nuestro ejercicio profesional nuestra actividad se centra en las siguientes:

  • Ofensas de orden público,
  • Delitos de violencia contra las personas,
  • Robo, fraude y lavado de dinero,
  • Tráfico de drogas – uso personal, cultivo y venta y/o distribución,
  • Delitos sexuales,
  • Delitos Informáticos,
  • Extradición,
  • Delitos de tránsito – conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, no cumplir con la documentación exigida por la ley.

Nuestra asistencia en Derecho Penal incluye:

  • Representación legal en cualquier corte penal y de tránsito, en Dublin y a nivel nacional.
  • Atención 24 horas en cualquier estación policial – asesoría en interrogatorios realizados por la policía.
  • Consultas para asesorar sobre cualquier tipo de delito penal y de tránsito.

La Ley Penal Irlandesa protege a todas las personas acusadas de una delito penal, brindando:

  • Acceso a un abogado para representar y/o asesorar a cualquier persona detenida por la policía.
  • Apoyo legal para todas aquellas personas que no tienen la capacidad financiera para pagar los honorarios del abogado – dentro de este grupo de personas se encuentran, aquellas que reciben un salario no  suficiente para cubrir los gastos legales,
  • Acceso a un Interprete durante el proceso legal, desde el interrogatorio en la estación de policías hasta la comparecencia en juicio.
  • Traducción del idioma Inglés al Español de todos los documentos referentes a la acusación, con la finalidad que la persona entienda claramente todos los detalles de la acusación en su contra.

Sean O Toghda es un abogado con una amplia experiencia en el Derecho Penal. Ha escrito diferentes libros de gran relevancia, además ha realizado comentarios sobre el Derecho Penal en Irlanda. Es Irlandés y habla Español.

En relación a cualquier caso de ámbito penal, Sean O Toghda Solicitors esta disponible 24 horas, número de contacto:  0868561017



Para más información visitar nuestro sitio web:

Abogados de Inmigración en Dublin

Para alguna consulta, contáctanos

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 086 856 1017

Somos una firma de abogados Irlandeses especializados en Inmigración, los servicios que ofrecemos son:

  • Derechos de tratado de la UE – visas y permiso de residencia para un familiar (no miembro de la Unión Europea) de un ciudadano miembro de la Unión Europea.
  • Aplicaciones para Ciudadanía, naturalización y permiso de residencia.
  • Matrimonio, unión civil y unión de hecho con un ciudadano Irlandés o Europeo.
  • Asesoría para visas de estudiante, cambio de estatus o extensión de la visa de estudiante.
  • Reunificación Familiar – padres dependientes, hijos, entre otros miembros familiares.
  • Aplicación para permiso de trabajo y apelación.
  • Aplicación y Asesoría  para Inversionistas extranjeros y Emprendedores que quieran poner en marcha alguna nueva empresa.
  • Asesoría en casos de deportación y de permiso humanitario para permanecer en Irlanda.
  • Aplicación de Asilo Político  – estatus de refugiado y protección subsidiaria.
  • Aplicación para documento de viaje.
  • Derecho del Trabajo.
  • Derecho Penal y de Tránsito.


Para más información sobre nuestro servicios te invitamos a visitar nuestra página web y blog donde encontrarás información actualizada y de gran importancia

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Para solicitar una cita o realizar una consulta puedes escribirnos a nuestra dirección de correo electrónico [email protected]  en Inglés/ Español,  o a través del número 0868561017 (llamada, sms o Whatsapp)